Synthesis - The life and deeds of Frank Fatelle

Synthesis, a series about the bizarre faith of Frank Fatelle. Produced by Soviet Jazz 2 Det Oändliga Mörkrets Orkester and Sans Demand Media. Released in 2019.

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Episode 00: Pilot

Saturday Jan 19, 2019

Saturday Jan 19, 2019

The story of Frank Fatelle is one of the least told in the history of computer science. Despite some downright spectacular achievements, he is often dismissed as an eccentric drunk with questionable political motives. On the other hand, some praise him as a martyr and claim that his untimely death and it’s peculiar aftermath should be understood as a modern retelling of the Sisyfos-Christ-mythos.

Thursday Apr 11, 2019

The story of Frank Fatelle is ironically one of the least known in the history of computer science. Of course, lots of people are aware of him in the sense that they know him as more or less a villain to humankind, but remarkably little has been published about his background and work leading up to his scientific breakthroughs and inventions.

Friday Apr 19, 2019

The crimes of Frank Fatelle’s father is not the primary subject of this series. Those are portraid and detailed in numerous other sources. Most recently, perhaps, in the book ”Tin Roofs and the Angel of Death” by Watts, Watson and Dr Watts (phd)(2004).

Friday Apr 26, 2019

At 19, with good grades despite some behavioural issues, Frank Fatelle moved to Stockholm to pursue a career in academia.
Coming from a squarely small town working class background, as well as carrying the infamous deeds of his father as baggage, Franks foray into the world of higher learning was stumbling and directionless.

Thursday May 09, 2019

Despite being expelled, Frank Fatelle remained more or less on campus, periodically bothering staff at the library and various coffeeshops with his pamphlets or just loud arguing about various topics.

Episode 5: Intermission

Friday May 17, 2019

Friday May 17, 2019

Synthesis is produced by Sans Demand Media and made possible by the Monsanto Adoption Agency with support from the Global Spiritual Federation.
Music and sound-design by Soviet Jazz 2, Det Oändliga Mörkrets Orkester.

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